First Year Success at Grace's Table Food Pantry | Iowa United Methodist Foundation

Grace United Methodist Church in Correctionville, IA

August 26, 2019

Grace United Methodist Church recognized a need to provide adequate and nutritious meals for individuals and families in Correctionville, Iowa. After praying on it and talking with others, they decided to establish Grace’s Table Food Pantry in the basement of their church with a mission to “use God’s resources to supplement the hunger needs of our community and surrounding area.” Their overall goal was to create a lasting food pantry to provide food substances and basic hygiene products throughout the year.

Stocked shelf at Grace’s Table Food Pantry (Rev. Kim Crummer/Grace UMC)

Grace UMC received one of the Carma Mohler Grants this year from the Iowa United Methodist Foundation and used the grant money to help build a strong foundation of basic food and hygiene items to stock their shelves. With extra help from other donations and fundraisers, the food pantry is now up and running. According to Rev. Kim Crummer, pastor of Grace UMC, the food pantry serves around 15-20 people every two weeks. They are trying to get more people in the community involved by creating months where people can give certain items. For example, August was peanut butter and jelly month and September is pasta month. They specifically ask for these items as donations and try to fill the cart they have sitting out. They also accept donations of other foods, hygiene products, gift cards to Walmart, and cash gifts at any time.

This is the first year of having the food pantry available to the community so it is a huge success, but they want to continue to grow and help even more people. Learn more about Correctionville, Grace UMC and their food pantry. The Foundation loves being able to partner with organizations like Grace UMC that are making strides to alleviate hunger. Our Carma Mohler Grant program is open right now and applications will be accepted until October 1 so learn more about the program and apply now! Contact us at 515-974-8927 or [email protected] if you have any questions about the criteria or during the application process.