High School Senior Scholarships | Iowa United Methodist Foundation
The High School Senior Scholarships are scholarships open to graduating high school seniors. (Some may also be open to current college students.)
Scholarship applications are open December 1 – March 1 annually. All applications and required documents, such as essays, references and transcripts can be submitted through the online portal. Once you click on the application link, you will be brought to a third-party website hosted by Kaleidoscope.
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Alice J. McGiven Scholarship
Carl & Irene Garness Scholarship
Carroll Mitchell Scholarship
Darrell C. & Muriel Denison Jenks Scholarship
Donald & Ramona Dawson Scholarship
E.A. & Lucille Anderson Scholarship
Elva Jane Decker Scholarship
Ethel Crumpler Pierce Memorial Scholarship
Gilbert Guenther Scholarship
Iowa UMC Scholarship
IUMF General Scholarship
IUMF Student of Color Scholarship
Janet V. Stewart Scholarship
J.W. & Betty R. Myers Scholarship
Kemper History Scholarship
Louise Reep Scholarship
Marjorie Mott Pauley UMC Scholarship
Maxine R. Stouffer Scholarship
Meda Crose Memorial Scholarship
Miller Memorial UMC Scholarship
Mother Carrie Scholarship
Neil Clanin Memorial Scholarship
Pearl & Matilda Eye Memorial Scholarship
Riverton UMC Scholarship
Ruth Specht Scholarship
Tom & Jean Robb Scholarship
Westmar Trust Scholarship