United Methodist Seminary Scholarship | Iowa United Methodist Foundation

United Methodist Seminary Scholarships are designated for students who are following the call to join the ministry.

Scholarship applications are open December 1 – March 1 annually. All applications and required documents, such as essays, references, and transcripts can be submitted through the online portal. Once you click on the application link, you will be brought to a third-party website hosted by Kaleidoscope.


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Arnold W. Jeff and Mabel Rensink Scholarship
Carroll Mitchell Ministry Scholarship
David W. Ash Memorial Scholarship
Dean Fullerton Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Jean Brown Scholarship
George W. and E. Fern Maddox Memorial Scholarship
IUMF Seminary Scholarship
June & Bernard Hess Seminary Scholarship
Lawrence A. Hebert Scholarship
Lorene Gerdon Seminary Scholarship
Marjorie Gerald & Grace United Methodist Church Seminary Scholarship
Pleasant Prairie Legacy Scholarship
Rainsford A. & Elizabeth A. Brown Jr. Scholarship
Robert Reibe Seminary Scholarship Fund
Ruth Schmalenberger Seminary Scholarship