Services for Churches | Iowa United Methodist Foundation

The strength and growth of the United Methodist Churches of Iowa is a vital focus of the Foundation. We provide a number of services to churches in order to achieve this goal of overall growth for Iowa United Methodist Churches.

Some of the services the Foundation offers for churches are:

  • Investment options, which includes both short and long-term investments.
    • Check out how our funds are doing on the Fund Performance page. You will find the actual net returns from the previous quarter, the average annual net returns and the benchmark return information.
    • To see our current BFT certificate rates, visit the Building Fund Trust Certificates page.
  • Workshops with several different topics related to capital campaigns, endowments, personal finance, wills and estate planning, and more
  • Loans for construction, repairs, renovations, refinancing and more. Check out our Church Building Loans page for this information.
  • A grant for groups or organizations that are addressing the problem of hunger. Go to our Carma Mohler Grant page for additional information about this grant.

Does you church have an account with the Foundation? You and your congregation can now give directly to your church’s accounts: