Wills and Estate Planning - Workshop | Iowa United Methodist Foundation
Your Will Your Way Steps & Sample Gift Language
This seminar is designed to assist individuals in guiding the stewardship of their assets. Some of the topics presented by the Foundation include:
- Asset Inventory
- Wills
- Bequest Language
- Trusts
- Power of Attorney
- Health Care Directives
- Federal Estate Tax
- Estate Planning in Iowa
- The Stewardship of Assets
- Ways of Giving through Wills & Estates
Participants also receive practical sample documents and planning forms. All are offered from a spiritual perspective of taking care of all that has been entrusted to us by God. Simply by having an endowment program, a church can signal that it is doing a good job of long-range planning. At the same time, the church is affording its members an opportunity to practice life-long giving, and to include their church in their present and future financial plans.