Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Church | Iowa United Methodist Foundation
March 4, 2020
It is important to do an annual inspection of your church to make sure that things are in working order and there are no concerns when it comes to the condition of the building. Some big things to be on the lookout for are leaks in water lines, rotten or damaged walls, floors or ceilings, the security of doors and windows, and even the condition of the parking lot.
There are also less noticeable things that you should be thinking about, such as the accessibility of your building. This includes having elevators and ramps that are present, clear of obstructions and in working order. You might need to update signage for emergency exit situations as well. These changes could have a big impact on your church safety and attendance.
One last thing to think about is making sure you have your heating and cooling unit inspected, cleaned and serviced at least once a year. The best scenario is to have the heating system checked in the fall and the air conditioning checked in the spring. I know it doesn’t feel like it quite yet, but we are coming up on the summer months and with that, comes heat. You do not want it to be 100 degrees outside and have your cooling unit break down.
Check out this Annual Inspection Checklist from SafeChurch to do a more elaborate inspection. Depending on the size of your church, everything on this list may not pertain to you, but it is worthwhile to look over. You want your members to feel safe and at ease when they come to church so why not start with creating an inviting environment?
If you do find yourself coming across big issues as you go through the inspection checklist, you might need to make updates and fast. The Foundation offers church building loans for reasons such as this. Contact us at 515-974-8927 or [email protected] if you have any questions.